Personal Savings Options
We know how important it is to invest today for tomorrow’s needs and dreams. Each of our savings accounts is designed to maximize the return you can earn on your "investment" in that given savings account. The right savings account is always the strong foundation of a solid savings, investment or retirement program. We can help you select the right account for you based on your savings and investment goals!
Regular Savings Account
We offer several different options when it comes to your personal savings account needs.
- Requires a minimum opening deposit balance of $50.00.
- Interest is compounded daily and paid out monthly.
Additional Info:
- Customer receives statement at least quarterly
- Unlimited in-person transactions
- Electronic withdrawals, telephone transfers and Online Banking transfers limited to 6 per month
- Free Online Banking
- Free 24 Hr. Telephone Banking
HI-FI Savings Account
Get a higher rate of return on your savings!
- Requires a minimum opening deposit balance of $2,500.00.
- Interest is compounded daily and paid out monthly.
Opening Deposit:
Additional Info:
- Unlimited in-person transactions
- Electronic withdrawals, telephone transfers and Online Banking transfers limited to 6 per month
- Customer receives monthly statement
- Free Online Banking
- Free 24 Hr. Telephone Banking